Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Umehara FIGHTING GAMERS! chapter 3 release!

We finally get to see some Daigo vs Nuki action! There's a whole lot of Vampire Savior in this chapter, so if you're a fan of that game, enjoy!

Nuki got this free.

Grab chapter 3 here:

nyaa (torrent)

Or read it online at:


If you found this manga hype, please support the author (and Daigo) by buying the original manga from amazon.co.jp (they do international shipping! also has a kindle version!) or your local import bookstore like Kinokuniya!

So it turns out all 3 of us were pretty wrong about Evo2015 top 3 for USF4... but congrats to Momochi for clutching it out despite the stick malfunction! Also thanks to Woshige for the best Evo top 8 moment ever. Also, it looks like Nuki made it out of his pool for USF4 during this year's Evo (then he lost his 2 matches out of pools it seems Kappa).

Also, this is the SPEED song they sing in karaoke in the chapter (Go! Go! Heaven!) (try to imagine Nuki singing this):

1 comment:

  1. One small suggestion to reduce the leading on the typesetting so the lines are more compact. Good work otherwise.
